Regulation 14 and 16 2020-2022

Fairford Town Council Neighbourhood Plan Reg 14 and 16 submission documents 2020 - 2022


Regulation 16 consultation 2022 documentation 

FNP Main Body (v1.2.0)


Consultation Statement (v2.1.1)

FNP Site Assessment Report Final 260219

Fairford NP Sustainability Appraisal incorp Strategic Environmental Assessment

Evidence base L and LGS study revised Jan 2023

Fairford NP HRA_April 2022

consultation statement evidence


FNP Consultation Statement appendix 2017

Resident Reg 14 responses

Statutory Consultees Reg 14 responses

Changelog (1.0.9)

Changelog (1.1.0)

regulation 14 consultation 2020

The Fairford Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has worked for several years to produce this draft version of our revised Neighbourhood Plan. We have consulted all interested parties, including a local public consultation in March 2019, and we are now carrying out a statutory consultation as the first part of the formal process.

The Plan contains policies to help preserve the historic character of Fairford, protect green spaces, ensure necessary infrastructure is provided on a timely basis, and ensure that development does not create or increase flood risk. Other policies seek to ensure that residential development is sustainable and low-carbon and protect/enhance the vitality and viability of our town centre.

Legislation and national guidance requires that our Plan is in line with CDC’s Local Plan, which allocates 61 new homes in Fairford for the period to 2031.  Our Plan directs new housing development to an area, close to the schools, between Leafield Road and the northern extension of Hatherop Road, where the risk of flooding and increased traffic congestion is minimised.  We believe this is the most appropriate direction for the town to develop, a judgement which is supported by our own sustainability appraisal (carried out by Locality consultants AECOM) as well as in the sustainability appraisal for the Local Plan.

This draft Plan will now go to statutory consultees, interested parties and other stakeholders for consultation.  The Deadline for making comments is Monday 9th November 2020. All responses will be considered, and revisions may be made before the Plan is submitted to CDC. CDC will then publish the Plan and an Independent Examiner will determine whether the Plan can go to a referendum of the people of Fairford to decide whether it should be implemented. This whole process is expected to take until the middle of 2021.

To make a comment, please email using the subject heading Reg 14

Once accepted, the Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the development plan for the area, and Fairford will receive an increased share of the Community Infrastructure Levy for any new development.

Cllr Jon Hill / Margaret Bishop

Joint Chairpersons

REG 14 DOCUMENTATION September 2020

FNP Main Body (v1.0.6.1)

FNP Site Assessment Report Final 260219

FNP Sustainability Appraisal incorp Strategic Environmental Assessment Report 2020

Evidence Base WRA Hydrology Study Final Report 06.11.18

Evidence Base - (FNP8, FNP9, FNP10) Landscape and Local Green Space Study September 2020

Evidence Base - (FNP13) NDHAs September 20200

Evidence - Fairford Character & Design Assessment

FNP Map A - Fairford Parish

Map B - Fairford NP

Map B1 - Fairford NP

Map B2 - Fairford NP

Map C - Heritage Assets


Steering Group Agenda & Minutes

The Steering Group meets once or twice a month currently on Zoom.

Minutes from all Steering Group meetings are available on request.  Please email to obtain a copy.  Minutes are also published here:

OPEN day held on March 14th 2019

Please find below the documents that were available at the public open day held on Thursday 14th March 2019.

All the documentation is in draft form as the Plan has not gone through Regulation 14 or Regulation 16 yet, so there will be changes made.

Please do give us your feedback, either email directly, or fill out the form below and email it back to the same address.

Comments sheet public open day March 2019

The results of the Site Assessment survey

Attendees at the Open Day were asked to show their support, or otherwise, of the seven sites that AECOM put forward as potentially deliverable. The detailed results of the survey can be found here: Site assessment for stickers - results of survey

The headline results are: The only site that received net support is Leafield Road.

F35B Milton Farm - Yes: 12 No: 33  Maybe: 10

F44 Horcott Lake - Yes: 2 No: 36  Maybe: 1

F51B & 51C Leafield Road - Yes: 40 No: 15  Maybe: 9

F15 Jones Field - Yes: 8 No: 31  Maybe: 12

F38 East of Beaumoor - Yes: 2 No: 37  Maybe: 3

F39C South of London Road - Yes: 5 No: 23  Maybe: 10

F52 West of Terminus Cottage- Yes: 0 No: 27  Maybe: 7

Material from the open day.

THemes & Objectives




FNP - Policies and Themes


Site Assessments

map of sites assessed by AECOM

site assessments table detailing whether the sites are viable for development or not

Fairford Neighbourhood Plan Site Assessment Report_Final 260219

Hydrology Study

FNP - Hydrological Study overview

WRA Hydrology Study Final Report 06.11.18

Green Spaces and Character & Design

Fairford Horcott Local Gap

Area of special landscape value A

Area of special landscape value B

Local green spaces


For more information on the Fairford Neighbourhood Plan please click on the link below.

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