Youth Club
World Jungle, Working4Wellbeing, Fairford Town Council and the Cotswold Youth Network are working together to create more activities for children and young people in the Fairford area. Over the next few months we will be running some activities and talking to young people about what sort of things they would like to happen in Fairford including starting a regular Monday night youth club in the town.
From the 28th Feb we will be running a weekly activity at the Community Centre from 6:30 – 8:30 every Monday for years 6-9 (ages 11-14) . There will be different activities each week including creative projects, circus skills, music, discussions, sports and games, planning events as well as just chilling out and having a laugh!
We would also be interested to hear from any older teenagers who would like to volunteer and support the project. You will get access to training, have fun, meet new people and it will also be great work experience as well as look good on your CV. Also if there are any parents or adults who might like to volunteer or help in other ways by fundraising, baking cakes that would be great, there may also even be employment opportunities. If you would like to be involved in any aspects of the development of this exciting initiative for Fairford please email or